Wednesday, July 17, 2013

No hope for the mentally ill

The issue of accessibility to mental health services for the uninsured in The United states severely needs to be addressed.The lack thereof greatly contributes to crime and tragedy in this country. I've heard of many cases where people who need mental health services and have no access to them lash out and go out and commit violent crimes. Providing a sliding scale for or free mental service for these people is necessary for public safety. But it's not only necesarry for public safety. It is also important to the well being of those would be patients who are not prone to outward violence but rather internalize everything and feeling worse and worse until some of them commit suicide and others just break. Something needs to be done to get these people the care they need. Aren't we inadvertantly committing murder by allowing this to happen? People always step forward for people with physical disabilities but what about people with mental illness? They need the care just as much to be productive, contributing members of society. There are lots of people with legitimate mental conditions. These people can become contributing members of society with the right care, but without it things can only get worse. They cannot get a job or provide servicee  without the proper care because these are disabilities which severely limit their ability to function in society. The rest of the country would do well to follow the example of the RACSB in Virginia.They have a sliding scale. I also feel that esa's or emotional support should be allowed to go the same places as service animals because they are part of the patients treatment and provide care to the patient by providing emotional support. If an emotional support animal keeps a patient calm on public transportation or in public places they should be able to have their esa with them. Suppose someone has social anxiety disorder and that animal makes it possible for that person to be ok in a social situation they need to have that animal with them.

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